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5 to 10 images
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LOOKBOOK is now accepting web submissions. The directors of LOOKBOOK magazine have been in the fashion industry since 1983, they have worked with the greatest French fashion designers, they are very familiar with marketing and fashion productions, with our contacts we present our contributors to the right ones. audiences to advance their careers. As we always say, LOOKBOOK is not only about publishing you, it will be a catapult for you.

We like work that is clear and emphasizes designers and places. Fashion editorials with more looks are more likely to be published.

We offer a guarantee to publish to you if you respect the fashion industry.

If you also want a promotional campaign contact us directly.

We know that fashion production costs time and money, which is why we are not asking for exclusivity for publication in webitorials.

We love haute couture, portraiture, fine art, digital art – there are no rules and no support for creativity.

We believe in diversity in the fashion industry, which is why we encourage submissions from artists of all backgrounds with models of all nationalities and cultures.

Remember to include a title for your editorial, as well as team and clothing credits.

All credit information should be sent as a Word document.

Make sure to list them with the name of the corresponding image.

We also recommend that you provide Instagram addresses for promoting your team.

Please verify that all credit information is correct! Credits will be published exactly as they were sent. Any error will not be our responsibility.

For fashion submissions, DO NOT submit a set of images with models wearing the same look. This is not a fashion story and will be rejected. Models should also wear a variety of hairstyle / makeup looks for beauty submissions.

Try to include different types of images in your editorial. (portrait, full length, close-up, etc.)

Nudity is permitted, if done in accordance with art.

On our printed magazine medium your images must not have been published via any other form of print or online medium.

On our online support (webitorial) your images may have been published for more than 1 year and we will indicate on which media the photos were published.

If we accept your submission, send high resolution images and credits in a zip file. (WeTransfer)

Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)  Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)

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